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1. Updating attendance for other entities​

a. Add Attendance: As a teacher, I select a class / period. I mark attendance for the students belonging to the class / period for a particular time period and save it so that I can record the presence / absence of my students at a regular frequency.

b. Edit Attendance: As a class teacher, I can edit the marked attendance in the past so that I can maintain an updated record of my students’ attendance. View Emoticons: As a teacher, I can view emoticons against each student based on their past attendance patterns so that I can have one look and know the performance of each child in terms of attendance.

c. Summary Reports: As a teacher, I can view, share, download and compare my one-pager summary reports so that I can make quick decisions regarding improvement of students' attendance in my class.

d. Aggregated Reports: As a teacher, I can view / share and download aggregated reports on student attendance so that I can always refer to any past attendance data.

e. Trigger Attendance Notifications: As a teacher, I can send messages to parents regarding student attendance so that I can communicate with the parents regarding their child’s attendance. Automated notifications are also triggered for student attendance.

f. View Notification Status: As a teacher, I can see the status of the notifications sent so that I can always check if the notifications have been received by my students’ parents.

2. Self Attendance​

a. Add Attendance: As a user (teacher / mentor / monitor), I am able to mark my location-tagged presence / absence with reasons so that I have a complete record of my attendance.

b. Edit Attendance: As a user (teacher / mentor / monitor), I am able to edit the past attendance so that I can maintain my attendance record in case I had missed marking it in the past.

c. View Reports: As a user (teacher / mentor / monitor), I can view and share my attendace reports so that I can have a quick look at my attendance performance.